Science SLAM University International Competition



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Science SLAM University International Competition 




1. How do I submit a complete registration?

The first step to enter the Science SLAM University Competition is to fill up the registration form at LINK and upload your video with the form according to the competition guidelines above.


2. Do I need to pay to join this Competition?

This Competition has minimal registration fees of RM50 per entry. This Competition is part of the community engagement session of the MSMBB, and other supplementary fees will be subsidized by the society.





1. Must I be Malaysian?

No, this is an international competition. You do not have to be Malaysian or residing in Malaysia to participate.


2. Can I submit as a team registration?

Yes. But a single team should have no more than 3 (THREE) members, all enrolled university students. Please submit only ONE registration form and ONE audition video per team, where all members of your team should be in the video.




1. How long should my video be?

Your video must be no longer than 2 (TWO) minutes in length to qualify as an audition video for the Science SLAM Junior. Please check the time on your video counter to make sure your video is 2 (TWO) minutes or under.


2. What should be the content of my video?

Just introduce yourself and why you selected the SDG theme of your choice. It’s that simple. If you still have sufficient time, you may give us a glimpse of what you will be presenting if you are shortlisted for the live presentation finals


3. Can I choose whatever science topic I want?

We realize some topics may cross over one or more of the six SDG themes in the guidelines, so please select ONE SDG theme that you think best represents your submission. You can incorporate multiple scientific elements, but you should have the Life Sciences as the core element.


4. What are the “Life Sciences?”

The Life Sciences are the study of living systems. This encompasses everything from DNA to the biochemistry of cells, microbes, animals, plants, and all living things, theories such as evolution, and ecosystems, exciting discoveries in the Life Sciences, and real-life applications based on knowledge of the Life Sciences.


5. Do I need to write and produce all of the content myself?

Yes. The video content must be original, and you (or your team) must be the sole author of the content.


6. Can I have help making the video? With the camera work, lighting, sound recording, editing?

Yes. You could get technical assistance for filming, however, it should be directed and scripted by you and the content must be original.


7. What happens if someone else chooses the same topic as me?

That’s no problem. As long as your idea and the video content are independent of theirs, your video will be viewed and judged on its merit.


8. How original should my idea be?

The subject of your video should be complex enough to challenge your explanatory powers. It should not be something that a general audience would already know or a simple fact that could be looked up and understood in a few seconds.


9. Can I use music in my submission?

As long as the music does not violate or potentially violate any copyright issues (please refer to Malaysian Copyright Definitions and Issues), you may use music in your submission. However, we advise that you do not make your video public if you are unsure of copyright issues.


10. Does the science in my video need to be an original contribution to science?

No. The Competition is about communicating an existing theory, concept, or principle in an original (as well as engaging and illuminating) way. You are not expected to have discovered anything in science yet – only to have discovered a fascination for science!


11. Can I use existing footage of scientists talking or video clips from other sources?

No. The audition video serves to let us know whether you (or your team) will be shortlisted for the live presentation on the 16th of May 2024. Only limited places are available, so impress us!


12. Can I enter more than one video?

No. Only one entry per participant (or per team) is allowed.


13. If I am shortlisted, will my live presentation be the same as the audition video content?

You will be given 10 (TEN) minutes for the live presentation finals. Therefore, the video content is just a “teaser” of what you or your team can present at the live presentations should your video be shortlisted.

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We are a non-profit organisation that was established in 1988 to promote molecular biology and biotechnology.

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Contact Us

For general information about MSMBB, including registration, please contact us at:

  Department of Parasitology,
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Malaya,
50603 Kuala Lumpur,
  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  +603 - 7967 4744
  +603 - 7967 4749